EXCLUSIVE: Milwaukee County Bans Trump Rally: Cancels Event At Mitchell—That’s Why It’s Being Held In Waukesha
By Mark Belling, WISN-AM
The rally featuring President Trump Saturday evening near the Waukesha Airport was actually scheduled for a site at Mitchell International in Milwaukee but was cancelled on orders of the Milwaukee airport director. The airport director answers to Milwaukee County officials, led by County Executive David Crowley, a Democrat.
I have obtained a copy of a letter sent Tuesday to Chip Zens, the CEO of Freight Runner Express, a private air service with its own large hangar and grounds on the airport grounds. Airport Director Matthew Hofman stated in his letter that the likely attendance of protesters was unacceptable and ordered Zens to notify the Trump team to cancel the event. Hoffman’s letter states that neither the Trump team nor Zens obtained prior approval.
So, President Trump now can’t even hold a rally in Milwaukee. This is the same Milwaukee County that planned to openly welcome the Democratic National Convention this summer, despite the certainty of protests at it. The rescheduled event is being held at 7 pm tomorrow night at a facility on the grounds of the Waukesha airport. That airport and the adjacent county fairgrounds and expo center have been the sites of numerous Republican rallies over the years. This time around, the Republicans wanted to come to Milwaukee but the Democrats are banning them.
Mark Belling
October 23