EXCLUSIVE: Tent City Continues To Grow East Of Marquette Campus
A makeshift “tent city” is continuing to grow on a large piece of land under the Marquette Interchange’s many overpasses. When I visited the site this morning there were two Milwaukee police squads and a Marquette Police squad. Marquette Police tell me the area is within their patrol zone even though it is not actually on the Marquette campus. Police say they are doing outreach with the people living there. Nobody, other than the police, appear to be paying much attention and there have been no attempts to force the squatters to move.
I counted between 15 and 25 tents or contraptions but the property sprawls for blocks and there are obviously no actual boundaries. Most of the land appears to be right of way owned by the state because it is under the freeway. Similar tent cities of illegal immigrants and/or street people have popped up in other cities and there are hundreds of tents in cities like San Francisco. I did not invade any of the personal space of the tent occupants so I can’t tell you who is living in them. The Milwaukee media has been looking the other way and refusing to report on this site even as the number of tens gets larger every day. The following is a video, shot by me with an iPhone, of some of the site:
Mark Belling
Friday, September 14